General FAQs

  • Our hours of operation are Monday to Thursday 12-7pm, and Fridays 12pm-5pm.

  • During a general consultation our experienced injectors will develop a personalized treatment plan after evaluating your anatomy, aesthetic concerns and goals, and brief medical history. If you proceed with any treatment during this appointment, you will not be charged the $150 consultation fee.

  • If you need to cancel an upcoming appointment we ask that you do so at least 48 hours in advance. Any appointments cancelled within the 48 hour period are subject to a $150 cancellation fee.

  • You can cancel a pre-existing appointment via the link in your confirmation email.

  • We do not provide our services to anyone under the age of 18, regardless of parental consent.

Filler FAQs

  • We exclusively use FDA approved Dermal Filler for all Minimale appointments, and the majority of our filler is sourced directly from Allergan or Galderma. This filler is made from hylauronic acid, a substance produced naturally in the body. If you have a specific product preference let us know so we can accommodate for you!

  • Filler that mimics bone (cheeks, chin, jaw, temples, etc) has an FDA approved life span of 1 to 2 years, but this can vary depending on your metabolism and a variety of other factors.

    Filler that mimics soft tissue has an FDA approved lifespan of 6 months, however this can also vary due to each person’s unique anatomy and situational factors.

  • Bruising is normal and to be expected with any treatment that involves a needle penetrating the skin. The severity of bruising depends on many different factors that are independent to each client, but we always strive to minimize the bruising as much as possible.

  • We recommend no alcohol, caffeine, or blood thinning medications at least 24 hours before your appointment. This is primarily to minimize bruising and doesn't play a role in your final results. Arnica pills or topical arnica prior to your treatment has also been found to speed up the healing process.

  • Healing times can vary as well as the severity of bruising and swelling. Typically, the most substantial bruising and swelling is experienced within the first two to five days following your treatment. We recommend icing the area to bring down swelling and taking Arnica to help resolve bruising. Most residual bruising dissipates around the 7 day mark; however everyone is different and there is no strict timeline as everyone’s anatomy is unique.

  • All of our filler products can be dissolved utilizing an injectable hyaluronidase! We do not charge any fee for dissolving filler originally placed by us.

Botox FAQs

  • Botox is a neuromodulator (form of botulinum toxin type A) that works by blocking the nerve signals needed for facial muscles to contract and cause expression lines and wrinkles. Once Botox is injected into the targeted treatment areas using an ultra-fine needle, it works to relax these muscles and ultimately reduce the appearance of wrinkles over time.

  • While this does vary quite a bit person to person, it usually takes 3-5 days to start to see the effects of Botox, and up to 2 weeks for it to fully develop. The effects then slowly weaken over time.

  • This also varies a lot person to person. On average, botox can last anywhere from 3-5 months depending on metabolism, lifestyle, and a variety of other factors.

  • After your appointment, some people have some redness and bumps for the hour following the injections. We recommend no laying flat for 4 hours and no rigorous exercise for 24 hours after your appointment. We also recommend avoiding any type of massage or harsh rubbing on the areas injected, including avoiding devices like gua sha on the area for the day following while the neurotoxin begins to take effect. Other than that, you are free to resume your normal daily activities!

  • There is no “right” or “wrong” age to start getting Botox! It all depends on your personal goals and comfort. level. You will be evaluated and given an in-depth consultation by a medical professional prior to your treatment, where we will discuss your goals and overall expectations. If you are starting to see some set wrinkles that are beginning to bother you, a Botox consultation could be a great place to start!

  • Side effects from a Botox treatment can include minimal bruising, swelling, redness, or tenderness around the injection site which will resolve anywhere from an hour to a few days post-treatment.

RF Microneedling FAQs

  • Before the procedure, your provider will apply a numbing cream to the treatment area for increased comfort during the treatment. During the treatment, you may feel slight pressure and tingling while the micro-sized needles gently penetrate the skin and deliver heat to stimulate collagen production. Your provider will work with you to optimize your comfort level throughout the entire treatment. You can expect the treatment to take about 20 minutes.

  • Your skin will likely have moderate redness after the treatment, which will subside significantly within a few hours. Your face will feel warm, like being in the sun, which also goes away within a few hours. You can expect to return to your normal activities immediately following your treatment. You may have some slight flushing the next day, which can be covered with make-up.

  • Patients typically need 3-4 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart to achieve optimal results. Most patients report visual improvements after the second treatment, but optimal results appear 3 months after the last treatment.

  • Best results are seen 3 months after the last treatment. To maintain your results, maintenance treatments can be done every 12-18 months after the initial series.

  • RF Microneedling is an excellent treatment for patients of all skin tones, looking to improve the skin’s appearance on the face and body, all year long, with minimal downtime.

CO2 Laser FAQs

  • A topical numbing cream will be applied to ensure comfort during the procedure. During the treatment, your provider will gently stamp the laser over the treatment area to create thousands of microscopic perforations at various depths while leaving the surrounding tissue untouched. As the perforations heal, new cells appear to reverse the signs of aging. Depending on the size of the area being treated, the procedure usually lasts 15 to 30 minutes.

  • Immediately after the treatment, your skin will be red, feel hot as if you have a sunburn, and very sensitive to touch. Your provider will offer a topical skincare regimen following the treatment to improve your comfort and the healing process. The next day, you may be swollen, and you will notice a pattern forming over the treatment area from the microscopic perforations that will begin to scab and sluff off over the next week. The exfoliation process typically lasts 5-7 days.

  • Most patients see significant improvement after just 1 treatment. After the exfoliation process is complete, you will see immediate improvements in your skin’s appearance, which will progressively improve over the next 3-6 months as new collagen is produced.

  • CO2 Laser treatments are safe and effective on patients with fair to medium skin tones. It’s ideal for reversing the signs of aging skin with a single treatment. Talk to your provider to determine if this treatment option is right for you!

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